Tuesday, 30 December 2014

New Year's resolutions....

So, I know that every year at this time, people start thinking about the promises they are going to make.  Changes to their day to day life to improve themselves.  Things they are going to give up....alcohol, junk food, cigarettes.  I don't usually bother making any grand promises to myself about changes I am going to make. I am very aware that, by about Jan 2nd I will have started up with the excuses as to why I will start tomorrow and then tomorrow and so on.  But this year I have decided to make a few.  Just some little, achievable ones.   So as I welcome in 2015 and say goodbye to 2014 these are the promises of change that I am making to myself.......

1. Drink more water

2.  Finally sign up to the course I have been thinking of doing for years but come up with a million excuses not to do.

3.  Dance more......nothing beats dancing the night away with friends!!!

4.  Take better care of my skin.....it's time  became better friends with moisturiser!

5.  Read books outside of my normal genre, maybe even some classics.

6.  Breathe more....

7.  Yell less......more often than not I feel like I have become a screaming banshee rather than a mom!

8. Try to exercise every day or, at least 5 days a week. I know I feel SO much better when I do! Body and mind!

9.  Shop smarter so I don't end up with a wardrobe full of things that can't be worn together and are only in fashion for that season.  In other words, stick to the classics.

10.  Challenge myself to re-assess what suits my shape!!!  I have been wearing baggy clothes for so long.  Recently I have caught sight of myself in shop windows and I look like I am shopping in my pjs.....not a good look.

I am feeling determined to last the year making these changes...........

All images from pinterest.com

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